Moths and Butterflies of Europe and North Africa (by Paolo Mazzei)

Forum Natura Mediterraneo  

Links to other sites of interest

Amici Insoliti: vademecum su rettili, anfibi ed artropodi (by Roberto Benelli)
Amphibians and Reptiles in Bulgaria and Balkan Peninsula (by Borislav Naumov, Martin Stanchev)
Amphibian Species of the World
Amphibians of Central Europe - Whose tadpole is it? (by Otto Berninghausen, Friedo Berninghausen)
Amphibians Top page (by Mamoru Kawamura)
Amphibien Salzkammergut Bad Ischl (by Rainer Mysliwietz)
Amphibien und Reptilien, Schlangen und Frösche in Österreich
Anfibitalia - il sito italiano dedicato agli anfibi di tutto il mondo (by Emanuele Biggi)
APAE - Associazione Padovana Acquariologica Erpetologica
Associazione Ichthyos
Balkan_Herps - Herpetology of the Balkans & Turkey (Yahoo! Group)
Batraciens et reptiles du monde (by Pierre-Yves Vaucher)
Biologie des Reptiles et Amphibiens de Belgique - Belgian Reptiles and Amphibians Biology (by Karim Temara)
BIOSIS, Publishers of BIOSIS Previews, Zoological Record, and other life sciences databases
Brian Bush's Homepage The Online Newt and Salamander Portal
Coronella - Herpétofaune de France et d'ailleurs (by Bruno Fonters, Rémi Fonters)
CyberLizard Home Pages
Dendrobates Italia (by Paolo Vassalli)
Echte Kröten (Bufonidae), Gattung Bufo (by Andrea Brenner)
EUROHERP database (by Jeroen Speybroeck)
Froschseite (by Ralf Reinert, Christoph Bork, Jürgen Arens)
Fundación Neotrópico (by Jan Grathwohl)
Herpetofauna of Europe (by Jeroen Speybroeck)
Herpetological Club of Oradea web site
Herpetological Databases and Resources
Herpfolio (by Fabio Pupin)
HerpIndex (by Ron Tremper)
Italian Chameleon Network (by Andrea Venturini, Dino Schiff) - the information portal for reptile and amphibian hobbyists - Amphibian Information Resource (frogs, salamanders, caecilians)
Melissa Kaplan's
Naturfotografie (by Markus Gebel, Maik Mergemeier)
POD@RCIS (by Herman A.J. in den Bosch)
Reptiles & Amphibians of France (by Daniel James Phillips)
Reptiles and Amphibians of the UK - RAUK e-Forum Homepage
REPTItaLIA il portale della terrariofilia (by Davide Fain)
Silvio Bruno
Societas Europea Herpetologica
Societas Herpetologica Italica
Société Herpétologique de France
The British Herpetological Society
The EMBL Reptile Database (by Peter Uetz, Ramu Chenna, Thure Etzold, Jakob Hallermann)
Triturus (coordinator: Verina Waights)
Welcome to, Home of European Field Herpetology
Western Palearctic Water Frogs + Water Frog Information Pool (by Peter Beerli)
www-Projekt "" (by Angelika and Siegfried Troidl) - il portale italiano per i nostri rettili